Thursday, November 4, 2021

Proportions and Percent Equations

Today We Discussed:

We expanded our discussion of proportions to include the percent proportion.  We deconstructed the word per-cent to mean "out of 100".  We can solve percent problems using a proportion or using a percent equation with the percent expressed as a decimal.

This unit will continue to explore proportions and percents, and we'll take some time to review the conversions of fractions to decimals to percents and vice-versa.  Students will be encouraged to memorize the decimal equivalents of common fractions as a time-saver.  Normally I am not a big fan of memorization, unless it serves a useful purpose - memorizing common concepts (like divisibility rules, the quadratic formula, and common numbers) can be a big time-saver leaving more time for higher order problem solving.

As we continue to explore the relationships among decimals, fractions, and percents, I plan to expand our discussion to other proportions, like circles.  We will investigate some probability in this unit as well.

Vocabulary: percent proportion, percent equation

Sections Covered in Textbook:

4-3: Proportions and Percent Equations (pages 197-202)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What is a percent proportion?
2) How do you use a proportion to find a whole?
3) How do you use a proportion to find what percent a part is of a whole?
4) How do you use a proportion to find part of a whole?
5) What is a percent equation?
6) More Percent Equation Links

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