Monday, May 11, 2020

Scatter Plots and Line of Best Fit - May 11th

Topics for Today:

A scatter plot is a graph that relates two sets of data.
To make a scatter plot, plot the two groups of data as ordered pairs.

Most scatter plots are in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane because the data are usually positive numbers.

You can use scatter plots to look for trends in the data.  Three scatter plots below show the types of relationships two sets of data may have:

Sections Covered in Textbook:

1-9: Graphing Data on the Coordinate Plane (pages 59-64)
6-6: Scatter Plots and Equations of Lines (pages 318-323)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Scatter Plots and Line of Best Fit Class Notes
2) Video recording of today's lesson (See Google Classroom for password.)
3) What is a scatter plot?
4) How do you make a scatter plot?
5) List of videos discussing scatter plots and correlation.


1)  Line of Best Fit Homework Packet
2)  Chapter 11 Test Corrections Due Wednesday

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