Monday, May 4, 2020

Rationalizing with Conjugates and Other Roots - May 4th

Topics for Today:

We finished our discussion of operations with radical expressions today with a method to simplify fractions with radical operations in the denominator.  We discussed the topic of conjugates to rationalize denominators that fall into this category.

We also discussed different roots other than square roots, and how to find them.

Vocabulary:  conjugate, cube root

Sections Covered in Textbook:

11-4:  Operations with Radical Expressions (pages 600-605)
**Other Root Functions are not in our book.

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Divide by Conjugate Method
2) Math is Fun: Cubes and Cube Roots (not a video).
3) How do you find the cube root of a perfect cube? 
4) Fourth Roots
5) Conjugates and Simplifying Other Roots Class Notes
6) HW problem #8 (Operations with Radical Expressions)
7) Today's recorded lesson (see Google Classroom for password).


1) Simplifying Radicals and Other Roots worksheet
2) Chapter 11 Test on Thursday

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