Thursday, August 29, 2019

Topics for August 29th

Today We Discussed:

We used models (number line and integer chips) and rules to add real numbers today.  We talked about the identity property of addition and also talked about inverses.  We also discussed how to use a number line to represent addition problems of both positive and negative integers.  Today's class was capped off with a game of Nim.  So far Mrs. Riccabona is still undefeated...
Image result for adding integers on a number line

Vocabulary: identity property of equality, additive inverse, inverse property of addition

Sections Covered in Textbook:

1-4: Adding Real Numbers (pages 24-31)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) How do you add two negative numbers?
2) Rules for Adding Integers
3) What is the opposite of a number?
4) What are identities? 


No new homework.
Get caught up on any missed assignments.
Planning Ahead:  Quiz Wednesday on expressions, order of operations, and number sets.

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