Monday, September 9, 2024

Properties of Real Numbers Days 1 & 2

Topics for Today:

Today we laid the groundwork for all the properties of real numbers, and we'll be taking two days to discuss and master them.  The properties are a set of truths that act as rules to allow us to rewrite numbers and equations to make them easier to solve.  We also use the properties to justify the different steps we take to simplify expressions and solve equations.  Students also made a set of notecards that can be used during any quiz or test this year.

This is the last section of this chapter.  I have posted a Chapter 1 Review on Delta Math for those who want more practice.  This assignment is optional but highly recommended.  

Sections Covered in Textbook:

1-8: Properties of Real Numbers (pages 54 - 57)

Resources & Tutorials:

1)  Video page for the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division properties.
2)  What is the substitution property of equality?
3)  Summary sheet of Properties from Math-Aids.

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