Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Using the Vertex Form of a Quadratic Equation

Topics for Today:

Today we explored the vertex form of a quadratic function.  Just like linear functions that have multiple forms that are each useful for certain things (slope-intercept, standard, point-slope), quadratic functions also have multiple forms (standard and vertex) that are used for different purposes.  Up to this point we have only used standard form.  

The vertex form of a parabola is very useful because it is very easy to locate the parabola's vertex, and when exploring families of graphs it is easy to see how translations (vertical and horizontal shift as well as vertical shrink or stretch) change the size and location of the graph.  

Sections Covered in Textbook:

Concepts pulled from outside materials

Resources & Tutorials:

1) How do you convert a quadratic equation from vertex form to standard form?

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