Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Absolute Value Equations

Today We Discussed:

We moved into the next section in our book and discussed absolute value equations.  We will tackle absolute value inequalities on Thursday and Monday.

First, we reviewed absolute value and what it means - a number's positive distance from zero.  Absolute value equations add a small level of complexity because when we take the absolute value of a quantity, it will always be positive.   We can have an expression inside the absolute value bars be either positive OR negative, so we can end up with two solutions for the variable in these cases.

We must also analyze whether or not our absolute value equation makes sense.  In most cases, we will get two solutions, but there will be times when no solutions will be possible.  We need to make sure our equation is logical. 

Take for example the equation |x -2| = -3 

There will never be a case when we take the absolute value of an expression that will result in a solution that is less than 0.  By its very definition, absolute value is always positive.  

For each of these absolute value equations, we will need to consider TWO cases for each solution set:  the positive case and the negative case. We will need to solve TWO equations to get the complete solution for the variable.

Sections Covered in Textbook:

3-6: Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities (pages 167-171)
(We will only cover equations today!)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Four steps to solve absolute value equations. 
2) Introduction to absolute value equations.
3) Chili Math - Solving Absolute Value Equations (Not a video)

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