Monday, September 20, 2021

Chapter 1 Review

Topics for Today:

Today we played a game of Money Grab to finish up our review of Chapter 1.  Students should make sure their notebooks are fully organized prior to joining class on Tuesday.  Notebooks will be collected at the beginning of class.  For a list of topics that need to be in the notebook, visit the Table of Contents page of this blog.  

Topics covered in Chapter 1:  Using variables, order of operations, classifications of real numbers, real number operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing), as well as the properties of equality.  

Sections Covered in Textbook:

Chapter 1:  Tools of Algebra (pages 4-58) - Omit section 1-9

Resources & Tutorials:

Money Grab Questions and Answers
Delta Math Chapter 1 Review

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