Monday, March 1, 2021

Scientific Notation

Topics for Today:

Today we used exponents in a practical way when we learned about scientific notation.  Scientific notation is simply a way to write very large and very small numbers that follow a few rules.

Simply stated, scientific notation is the product of a number and a power of 10 that follows the format: 
a x 10n  where n is an integer and 1 a < 10

Image result for scientific notation

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Vocabulary:  scientific notation

Sections Covered in Textbook:

8-2: Scientific Notation (pages 400-404)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What's scientific notation? 
2)  How do you convert decimal notation to scientific notation? 
3) How do you convert from scientific notation to decimal notation? 
4) How do you order numbers in scientific notation? 
5) Scientific Notation Class Notes


1) Scientific Notation Worksheet
2) Delta Math Weekly Review due Friday by 3pm

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