Monday, November 16, 2020

Frequency Tables & Chapter 4 Review

Today We Discussed:

We reviewed our theoretical outcomes that were generated from our sample space and their frequencies that we calculated together during yesterday's class, and worked more with frequency tables.  A frequency table is a good tool to quickly tabulate the number of times an event occurs, and an easy way to classify a large set of data.

The tutorial below is an excellent beginning video for Google Sheets (GSheets), and it's sourced from YouTube.  If you click on the "SHOW MORE" link, a list of the different topics of the video and links to the exact starting points are displayed for easy reference.

Vocabulary:  spreadsheet, frequency table

Sections Covered in Textbook:

Chapter 4 (Omit section 4-2) - pages 181-230

Resources & Tutorials:

1)  Introduction to Google Sheets


1) Chapter 4 Review
2) 4 Frequency Tables (Sample Space and 4 trials) due Wed (7th) or Thurs (8th)
3) Chapter 4 Test Tomorrow

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