Thursday, September 24, 2020

Equations with Variables on Both Sides - Sept 24/25

Topics for Today:

Our discussion about solving equations moved on to situations where there are variables on both sides of an equation.  The basic properties of equality still apply when dealing with variable terms.  We used the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of equality to get variables on one side, and constants on the other side of the equation.  For equations with variables on both sides, it is possible for the equation to have infinitely many solutions (identity) or no solution at all.  Students will need to be on the lookout for these special cases, which show themselves is interesting mathematical ways.

Sections Covered in Textbook:

2-4: Equations with Variables on Both Sides (pages 96-100)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
2) Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides and Grouping Symbols
3) Equations with Variables on Both Sides Class Notes


1) Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides Worksheet
**Planning ahead - Quiz next Wednesday on solving all types of equations.

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