Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Chapter 10 Test - April 22nd

Topics for Today:

We used our class time today to begin work on the Chapter 10 Test.

GooD Luck - spongebob rainbow | Meme Generator

Sections Covered in Textbook:

No new sections covered today.

Resources & Tutorials:



Chapter 10 Test (download from Google Classroom) due by 8pm tonight.  The method of turning is up to you:  you may scan and submit via Google Classroom, or you can simply scan and email to me (ariccabona @ or chickabona @ - remove spaces first).  Please make sure that you look at your scanned copy before submitting to make sure it is legible and that your writing is dark enough for me to read.  I will grade and return tests as soon as all have been submitted to me. 

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