Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Multiplying Binomials - March 4th

Topics for Today:

Our topic for today was multiplying polynomials.  We focused our time mostly on multiplying two binomials together (recall that a binomial is the sum or difference of two monomials).  We focused on the number of individual products to ensure we did not leave any steps out.  Most people are familiar with the FOIL method for multiplying two binomials:

Sections Covered in Textbook:

9-3: Multiplying Binomials (pages 467-472)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Multiply Binomials using the Distributive Property
2) Multiply Binomials using the FOIL method
3) How to Multiply Trinomials 


1) Multiplying Binomials worksheet
2) Chapter 8 Test Corrections due tomorrow

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