Monday, February 24, 2020

More Multiplication Properties of Exponents - February 24th

Topics for Today:

Welcome back, students!  Looking forward to our final trimester together.  Hopefully everyone had a relaxing vacation and you all are ready to come back and finish strong!

Today we reviewed the topics relating to exponents and exponent rules, including scientific notation.  We expanded our topic of multiplication of powers to include raising a power to a power, as well as taking a monomial to a power.  When a monomial (a number, a variable, or a product of a number and variable - this also includes whole number exponents) is raised to a power, each element of that product must be raised to that power.

Sections Covered in Textbook:

8-4: More Multiplication Properties of Exponents (pages 411 - 415)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What the power of a power rule?
2) How do you take a monomial to a power?
3) More on the power of a product rule.


1) More Multiplication Properties of Exponents Worksheet
2) Chapter 8 Test (Sections 8-1 to 8-5) Thursday

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