Thursday, January 9, 2020

Introduction to Desmons - January 9th

Topics for Today:

Today we took a quiz covering topics associated with linear equations and their graphs.

We also began to explore the online tool of Desmos.  All students will be asked to have a Desmos account.  The easiest way to accomplish this is to login using a personal Google account.

Desmos is an excellent program and available to everyone who has a computer or other device and an internet connection.  It is a powerful tool for visualizing graphs easily.  We will be using this tool for the rest of the school year, and many of other local high schools use it regularly in their mathematics courses.

Sections Covered in Textbook:

No new sections were covered today.

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Learn Desmos - Graphing
2) Learn Desmos - Scientific


1) Introduction to Graphing Activity (click link)  Or go to and type in code UQXTEX.  Make sure to log in before completing the activity.
2) Complete Exploring Linear Graphing Activity due Monday
***Planning Ahead***  Chapter 6 Test on Thursday

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