Thursday, December 5, 2019

Topics for December 5th

Today We Discussed:

Today we took a quiz that covered interpreting graphs, relations, domain and range, functions and graphs. 

For the second part of class we looked at domain and range of graphs, and determining their elements by reading a graph.  We also talked about whether each graph represented a function.  Students will be expected to know the domain and range of functions for the rest of Algebra I, and this topic will be prevalent in Algebra II.

Domain: All Real Numbers
Range:  y <= 2
This is a function!

Sections Covered in Textbook:

No new sections were covered today.

Resources & Tutorials:

1) Find the domain and range from a graph


1) Finish Domain and Range of Graphs Worksheet if not finished in class.
2)  **Planning Ahead** - Chapter 5 Test Next Thursday, December 12th.

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