Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Topics for November 6th

Today We Discussed:

Ratios can be used to express everyday activities, and we will be using them in the context of probability.  Probability simply is the chance that an event can occur.  We defined all of the terms associated with both theoretical and experimental probability, and talked about how to find a sample space and how that relates to probability.  Exploring experimental probability is a good way to demonstrate that what we expect to happen, does not always occur, and probability is just based upon how likely something is to occur, not a guarantee it will occur.

We will be investigating experimental probability more thoroughly in the next week.

Experimental vs Theoretical Probability
Graphic Credit:  Online Math Learning

Vocabulary: probability, outcome, event, sample space, theoretical probability, experimental probability 

Sections Covered in Textbook:

4-5: Applying Ratios to Probability (pages 211-217)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What is probability?
2) What is an outcome?
3) What is a sample space? 
4) How do you find the probability of a simple event?
5) What is experimental probability?
6) Math is Fun - Probability (not a video)
7) Probability Class Notes


1) Probability Assignment
2) Chapter 3 Test Corrections due Monday

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