Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Topics for October 22nd

Today We Discussed:

Our discussion about inequalities has moved on to compound inequalities.  We discussed the word "compound" and related it to compound words and compound sentences.  There are two types of compound inequalities:
  • inequalities using OR 
  • inequalities using AND
For the OR types, only part of the inequality needs to be true for the entire compound statement to be true.  For the AND types, we must have both parts true at the same time.  OR inequalities can be related to the UNION of two sets, and AND types represent the INTERSECTION (where both criteria are true at the same time).   Venn Diagrams (circle diagrams) are often used as pictorial representations of our sets. 

Sections Covered in Textbook:

3-5: Compound Inequalities (pages 161-165)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What is a compound inequality?
2) How do you solve an OR compound inequality and graph it?
3) How do you solve an AND compound inequality and graph it?
4) How do you solve an AND compound inequality rewriting it as two?
5) What is a Venn Diagram?
6) Schoolhouse Rock - Conjunctions


1) Compound Inequalities Worksheet
2) Planning Ahead - Quiz Thursday (Oct 24) on solving inequalities.

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