Monday, September 30, 2019

Topics for September 30th

Today We Discussed:

We continued our discussion about distance, rate, and time story problems and the three different varieties of these problems (same-direction travel, opposite-direction travel, and round-trip travel).  Using a table to solve problems helps organize all the supporting data, and provides a systematic way to solve more complex problems.  Students are encouraged to use a table and to draw a picture of what is going on in the question to help better understand what is being asked.

Sections Covered in Textbook:

2-5: Equations and Problem-Solving Part 2 (pages 103-110)

Resources & Tutorials:

1)  How to Solve Opposite-Directions problem.
2)  How to Solve Same-Directions problem.
3)  How to Solve Round-Trip Travel Problems.

4)  Problems Solving Notes Part 2 - Uniform Motion


1) Worksheet on Uniform Motion
2)  Planning ahead - Chapter 2 test on Wednesday.
3) Quiz Corrections Due Wednesday.

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