Monday, October 14, 2024

Inequalities and Their Graphs

Topics for Today:

We moved on to Chapter 3 today.  Our discussion has moved from equations where both sides are equal, to inequalities where one side is larger or smaller than the other.  We also discussed the difference between solutions where the endpoint is included vs excluded and explored the graphs of inequalities.  A solution to an inequality is any value that will make the inequality true.  Inequalities differ from equations because inequalities often have infinite solutions that are bound by a particular value whereas equations typically have a finite solution set.

Vocabulary: inequality, solution to an inequality

Sections Covered in Textbook:

3-1: Inequalities and Their Graphs (pages 134-138)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What is an Inequality?
2) How Do You Graph Inequalities?
    (This video also includes infinite sets which we did not discuss.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Literal Equations

Topics for Today:

Today we continued our exploration of equations, but focused on literal equations and formulas.  Literal equations are just equations that have more than one variable.  Formulas are mathematical or scientific facts, rules, or relationships expressed with mathematical symbols.  Students have been using formulas for much of their mathematics studies, although they may not be aware.  Earlier in this chapter, we used the formula for distance (d=rt) and also perimeter of a rectangle {P=2(l+w)}.

We can use our knowledge of solving equations to move variables around in literal equations or formulas, to solve for a particular variable.  The properties of equality (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and distributive) still apply here in these examples.

The first step in any solving equation problem it to identify the variable that you are solving for.  Once that is done, we follow the reverse order of operations to isolate the variable, and follow the same steps we used for solving multi-step equations.  As a reminder, here are those steps again:

Vocabulary: formula, literal equation

Sections Covered in Textbook:

2-6: Formulas (pages 111-114)

Resources & Tutorials:

1) What is a literal equation?
2) How do you solve a formula for a variable?
3) Summary of solving literal equations.